Please consider submitting an abstract to this Innovation Session at the Fall AGU Meeting led by Karen Stocks, Christine Kirkpatrick, Denise Hills and Lynne Schreiber
Effective Earth and Space Science Informatics: Building the Future of Science
Informatics has become a key approach supporting virtually all geosciences. Scientific agencies such as NSF have been making substantial investments in geoinformatics and cyberinfrastructure for the geosciences. NSF’s EarthCube, which is closing out after 10 years and 95 funded projects, is one such initiative. Its legacies include more than the impact of specific efforts in specific domains; projects have advanced new and better ways to do science: e.g., how to effectively bring together and create deep collaborations between technologists, geoscientists, educators, and/or the public; how to engage early career researchers; how to strengthen workforce training and professional development while supporting a more diverse workforce; how to move from prototyping to wide community adoption; and how to manage large collaborative teams in a virtual environment. This session, a mix of lightning talks and short discussions, invites contributions from within and outside EarthCube on effective strategies to plan for a more interdisciplinary, inclusive, and efficient future for geosciences cyberinfrastructure.
The 90 minute session will be organized around having several 5-minute lighting talks on a specific theme (e.g. engaging early career researchers), followed by a 10 minute discussion with the audience, before moving on to the next theme
