The EarthCube Office seeks your help to identify priorities for creating new resources to support implementation of the FAIR data principles.
We invite you to contribute through this very short survey: Topics for FAIR Data Training Resources.
In partnership with Nancy Hoebelheinrich (Knowledge Motifs LLC), the EarthCube Office is pleased to announce a new effort to develop community capacity around the production of FAIR data and the implementation of FAIR principles for other research resources. The FAIR Principles are guidelines for improving the value of research data by making it more “Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.” The FAIR principles frame practices and aims that reach across the data lifecycle, and therefore includes possible actions for researchers, data managers and stewards, as well as repositories of all types.
This effort builds on the interest of the EC Leadership Council to promote the FAIR Data and Resources for the Geoscience Community. Across the coming months, we will develop and make available tutorials and briefings to facilitate awareness and uptake of activities that can improve the FAIRness of EarthCube-related data, tools, and services. In addition, we will select some high-value materials and exemplars from around the globe that illuminate FAIR activities and implementations.
We are excited to work with Nancy, who has deep expertise with semantic and geospatial technologies, as well as digital libraries and data repositories. Nancy has been involved with the Earth Sciences community for many years, and has ongoing leadership roles at ESIP and RDA; she is also a member of the GO FAIR US office team, and active in international GO FAIR activities. Our initial effort will focus on providing updated and comprehensive information on Persistent Identifiers for Earth Science data; some of this content will be released for AGU, and then followed with additional materials in January 2021.
In the meantime, to best serve the breadth of the EC community and reach out to the broader geosciences community, we invite your responses in this short survey (<5 minutes) to help us gather input and prioritize the development of relevant training resources.
Survey: https://bit.ly/32Uwh2Y
Please feel free to contact Melissa Cragin mcragin@sdsc.edu and/or Nancy Hoebelheinrich nhoebel@kmotifs.com if you have any questions or would be interested to have a conversation about this effort or the FAIR Principles.
–Melissa Cragin