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EarthCube members receive awards for service to the EarthCube Community

Julie Petro

Over lunch on Thursday during the 2018 All Hands Meeting, Mimi Tzeng from the EarthCube Engagement Team presented three EarthCube members with the EarthCube Community Service Award in recognition of their significant contributions of time and effort toward the goals of EarthCube. This award recognizes EarthCube members who aren’t otherwise being recognized in official leadership positions.

Leslie Hsu

Nominated by: Liaison Team

Leslie Hsu contributes to several EarthCube funded projects, is a member of the Liaison Team, and has aided planning for several EarthCube events.

She has been a dedicated member of the SEN RCN team from its conception, particularly in building and maintaining the SEN Knowledge Base and SEAD (sustainable environment actionable data) data repository resource. She has worked on GeoSemantic Framework, CINERGI, and C4P.

Leslie was a member of the organizing committee of the 2017 EC Architecture Refinement Workshop. She has played a crucial role in helping to recruit and support scientists in using SEN resources and is a regular presenter at the EC booth or on behalf of EC projects at AGU and GSA.

Throughout this work, she has promoted EarthCube projects and made sure they are accessible and understandable to other scientists. Not least, she is always a cheerful and competent contributor to any group she has been a part of.

Daniel Garijo

Nominated by: Yolanda Gil and Suzanne Pierce

Daniel is a post-doc at the University of Southern California who has served as an active participant of the EarthCube community through direct participation in several funded projects, including the IS-GEO RCN, OntoSoft and the Geoscience Papers of the Future initiative, and Linked Earth.

For IS-GEO, he keeps the group coordinated with monthly teleconferences while helping them connect with relevant speakers and the EC community. He supports the use of the OntoSoft portal by several EarthCube communities, and has been an instructor for the GPF training at several events, including at ASLO and AGU.

For Linked Earth, he documented requirements and developed ontologies for paleoclimate data, and was the first in the EarthCube community to make data meet the principles of FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable). The Linked Earth repository was the first to be incorporated into P418. (Read Daniel’s article on his experiences at the 2018 AHM.)

David Fulker

Nominated by: James Gallagher of OpenDAP, collaborator

Dave, from OpenDAP, has been an active member of EarthCube for many years. He was on the organizing committee for the Tech Hands meeting at Scripps in April 2015, participated in the EarthCube Architecture workshop in 2016, has participated in TAC, and is currently part of two funded projects, BALTO and ODSIP.

Through his projects, collaborations, and outreach, he has worked unselfishly and tirelessly to bring EC to the world.

Even as Dave has transitioned into retirement, he has continued to engage with scientists, helping them bring their projects and proposals to the table with little in return, helping both established scientists and gently mentoring scientists early in their careers.

EarthCube thrives on leadership within its community ranks, and we want to thank and congratulate to these community service leaders for making EarthCube a success!


2018 AHM Resources:

  • Daniel Garijo’s 2018 AHM Report

  • Plenary/Breakout Presentations and Videos

  • Poster Files

  • Session Previews

If the file for your presentation or poster is missing, please send it to Lynne Schreiber in the ESSO. If you see something incorrect, send an email to Julie Petro.

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